What this blog is about

This is where Steve and Chris (feveredSteve and ChessQueen) will share the ups and downs of 2011's fun project: building a teardrop trailer.
We'll try and include all the detail we can, along with photos, so that you will know what worked and what didn't.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Not making progress with the teardrop but ...

We made a very neat potato cannon for Rhys' 15th birthday, shown here in action. An explosive success (you could say).

You are probably asking yourself what that thing its mounted on is. Well here is a closer look ...

Its a c.1940 device for mowing meadows. This is our 'spare' Allen Scythe. :-)

Rhys adjusts the aim while Steve stands ready with the can of lighter fuel to give it a bit of oomph so that it does this ...

Yes, it has quite a bit of force when hurling potatoes. Recommended book if you want to make one is this one on Backyard Ballisitics

We will be getting on with the teardrop shortly.
